General Surgery

General Surgery Procedures

General Surgery

General Surgery is a discipline of surgery having a central core of knowledge embracing anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia, which are common to all surgical specialties.

General surgeon

A general surgeon has specialized knowledge and experience related to the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management, including the management of complications, in nine primary components of surgery, all of which are essential to the education of a broadly based surgeon.

  • Alimentary tract
  • Abdomen and its contents
  • Breast, skin, and soft tissue
  • Head and neck, including trauma, vascular, endocrine, congenital and oncologic disorders – particularly tumors of the skin, salivary glands, thyroid, parathyroid, and the oral cavity
  • Vascular system, excluding the intracranial vessels and heart
  • Endocrine system, including thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and endocrine pancreas
  • Surgical oncology, including coordinated multimodality management of the cancer patient by screening, surveillance, surgical adjunctive therapy, rehabilitation, and follow-up
  • Comprehensive management of trauma, including musculoskeletal, hand, and head injuries. The responsibility for all phases of care of the injured patient is an essential component of general surgery.
  • Complete care of critically ill patients with underlying surgical conditions, in the emergency room, intensive care unit, and trauma/burn units.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland (Goiter, Hyperthyroidism) Breast cancer and benign diseases of the breast Esophageal cancer – benign diseases of the esophagus
  • Gastric cancer – Various disorders of gastric and duodenal ulcers Surgical diseases of the small bowels, bowel obstructions Colon – rectal tumors, inflammatory diseases
  • Anorectal diseases (tumors, hemorrhoid, anal fissure, fistula) Benign and malignant tumors and cysts of the liver Obstructive jaundice Gallbladder and bile tracts – Gallbladder stones and tumors.
  • Pancreatic cyst and tumors Acute and chronic pancreatitis Surgical diseases of the spleen Abdominal wall and inguinal hernias, post-surgery hernia Various soft tissue infections Traumas and urgent surgery.
